Sydney Harbour Kayaks - Ideal paddler dress code / getting prepared
What to wear!
In preparation for your activity, please refer to the following info about what to wear and what to bring.
You do not need specifically designed 'paddling' gear, however wearing the right gear, can make sure
you have a much nicer paddling experience.
Please arrive at Sydney Harbour Kayaks 10 to 15min prior to check in
(to be ready on the beach on time - especially for Lessons, Tours and Team Building Activities).
What to wear:
Rashie / sun shirt or t-shirt (we strongly recommend long sleeve);
Boardies / sport short or leggings (gym wear);
Sunglasses (it’s best to use straps for these, so they don’t fall into the water!);
You do not necessarily need shoes to go paddling, however there are many sharp rocks and oyster shells around the beaches of Middle Harbour.
We therefore, highly recommend that you wear closed-in shoes that are able to get wet. Please DO NOT wear thongs / flip-flops as they offer limited protection if you stop on the beaches. Rubber-soled reef shoes (reef-booties) are ideal; or an old pair of trainers.
We also recommend that you take your phone with you, in-case you need to phone for assistance.
If you do take your phone then you must have this secured in a waterproof phone case or 'dry-bag'
a 'zip-lock' bag can work however it can only give your phone limited protection from the water.
What to bring (for afterwards):
Dry change of clothes;
Dry shoes; and
We have a storage room in store for bags and towels, as well as small locker-trays for valuables. Just ask the staff.
At our Middle Harbour location, we have bathrooms and a 'hot' shower on site.
At Darling Harbour, we only have toilets and a change-room.
If there is an issue with the weather conditions on the day of the activity and it is too dangerous to go out on the water, we will try to phone you at about 9.00am (during the week) and 7.30am (during the week-ends).
Please note that conditions do change fairly quickly and the 'wind' or poor weather can come through expectantly. If you are concerned about the weather, then please feel free to call us.
Generally, if the wind is over 15/18 knots, then we probably will not be able to rent paddling equipment.

TAKE NOTE: The conditions can change from 'perfection (image on the left)
to a real tempest (image on the right)

The safety of all of our paddlers is our highest concern.
Remember that we offer a series of FREE kayak lessons every weekend - We HIGHLY recommend that everyone takes our Paddle Safe Paddle Smart FREE Kayak Lessons.
We provide a FREE introduction to Kayaking Lesson and a FREE Kayak Safety Lesson - Both lessons are 3 hours long.