WHAT TO WEAR / Getting Prepared
Darling Harbour Moonlight Sea Kayaking Experiences
In preparation for your Sydney Harbour Kayaks 'Moonlight' Sea kayaking Experience, please refer to the following info about what to wear and what to bring.
You do not need specifically designed 'paddling' gear, however wearing the right gear, can make sure
you have a much nicer paddling experience. Remember that this is an ON-WATER Experience.
Sea kayaking cold-water expert, Rohan from East Coast Kayaking in Melbourne says
“It's better to be hot and bothered than cold and emotional”
- You can always cool down, but you can't always warm up!
What to wear for your on-water experience:
Apparel that is ok to get wet - splashing can and will occur and there is a slight chance that you could be tipped into the water..
Start with a nice BASE LAYER; use a long sleeve thermal shirt.
You can also wear fleece jumper to increase your comfort level. It is best NOT to wear a heavy / oversized jumper
A spray jacket is also recommended as the final layer - We will be supplying these if you do not have one.
Pants: Leggings or 'yoga' type pants are great to wear and tracksuit pants can also work. Please DO NOT wear jeans.
Head-wear; any headwear can keep you warmer, however we recommend a beanie
You do not necessarily need shoes to go paddling, however it is warmer and safer to be wearing shoes.
We therefore, highly recommend that you wear closed-in shoes that are able to get wet. Please DO NOT wear thongs / flip-flops as they offer limited protection. Rubber-soled reef shoes (reef-booties) are ideal; or an old pair of trainers.
Shoes that have a large / thick sole can be uncomfortable in our kayaks.
VIVID is all about the great photos - be prepared - get organised and make sure you
have your camera / phone camera in a dry bag.
We also recommend that you take your phone / camera with you, as the photos can be amazing.
If you do take your phone then you must have this secured in a waterproof phone case or 'dry-bag'
a 'zip-lock' bag can work however it can only give your phone limited protection from the water.
What we will provide you on your tour:
A professional, friendly sea kayaking guide.
A bright, foam-filled lifejacket - the lifejackets also help keep you fairly warm.....
Spray Jacket - you can also use your own.
A VERY Stable Sea Kayak (made in Australia by Mirage Sea Kayaks). This double sea kayak is made from kevlar and fibreglass; it makes the kayak light, stable and very easy to paddle. If there is an odd numbered tour, then the strongest paddler in the group will be paddling a single sea kayak.
There is always a slight chance that you can be capsized into the water, however we will take all precautions that this will not happen.
What to bring (for afterwards):
Dry change of clothes;
Dry shoes; and
Please arrive at The Australian National Maritime Museum (HMAS Vampire pavilion / on the marina) about 30min prior to check in.
If there is an issue with the weather conditions on the day of the activity and it is too dangerous to go out on the water, we will try to phone you at about 3.00pm.
Please note that conditions do change fairly quickly and the 'wind' or poor weather can come through unexpectedly. If you are concerned about the weather, then please feel free to call us.